Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Valuable message.

Agel IS Easy! It is LIFE that is sometimes hard!

It has become clear to me that once one gains a clear understanding of the revenue producing activities and develops a few simple and readily assimilated skills...then the business
building activities required for success in Agel are in fact quite easy.

What are the required skills?

1: Learn how to create and maintain a living, breathing and continually developing candidate list.

2: Learn how to invite...thus becoming an effective conduit to a system. Your candidate must "see" Agel...not you or me.

3: Learn how to effectively use tools and three way calls to provide 3rd party validation after an initial exposure.

4: Learn how to effectively conduct Private Business Receptions...utilizing a variety of presentation methods.

These four skills, when fully developed, make profitability in Agel pretty much a foregone conclusion. It is the further understanding of the intricacies of the industry and the ultimate ability to transfer skills to others that makes possible the creation of opposed to simple profitability.

Where to begin? I begin every day with ME. I suggest that you begin your progress with YOU!

I have learned conclusively that when I develop and act upon daily disciplines in key areas of my life...then all goes well.(and that in moments of trial I respond appropriately to the challenge at hand) These areas are:

Spiritually: Today I will either grow closer to the God of my understanding...or I will drift further away. The willingness to act upon developed discipline in this area will determine the direction. Today and every day.

Physically: I am subject to the gene pool like everyone else. I will get older..not younger today. BUT..if I act upon my daily disciplines relating to health and fitness...I will have a far better chance of a positive outcome to this 24 hour period.

Mentally: I have chosen to live my life on purpose. This demands that I carefully guard what I "let in my head". I therefore use great caution with what I watch..listen to, and to the people I choose to have conversation with. I DO seek to learn something constructive every relates to my business as well as my family life. This a discipline.

Emotionally: I am blessed with a VERY active mind. If I act upon my disciplines to SLOW it down at various times during the day...I have greater clarity and make better decisions.

What does all of this have to do with our business? EVERYTHING!
As stated previously...I think Agel is easy...if we develop the various "life skills" that we can have an uncluttered mind to apply to Agel.

OK..with all of that said, we now enter a season of amazing opportunity in our company. Why...because of the host of MAJOR EMPOWERING EVENTS which are now on the immediate horizon.

In each of these critical events, those attending will have the opportunity to further polish several "facets" of the Diamond they seek to become.

The first of these "Facets Of Empowerment" is education. Basic as well as more advanced training will be offered in each event.

The second "Facet Of Empowerment" is motivation. We must each become WILLING to TAKE ACTION beyond the actions we have taken to date if we seek to have a significantly changed outcome.

The third (and I think most critical) "Facet Of Empowerment" is inspiration. It is when each of us believe....some for the first time ever...that YOU (we...I) have been well groomed by prior life experiences to fully harvest the value of this great opportunity!

Here is what I believe to be true...we each have immeasurable and largely untapped TALENTS...freely given to us by a loving God. Talents we did nothing to earn. It is for those who WORK AND WORK AND WORK to refine these great TALENTS into SKILLS which benefit OTHERS that the great rewards are reserved.

Are YOU willing to do that which is required to fully refine your talents? Am I?