By Randy Gage.
Watching the Olympics is certainly a source of national pride and an amazing experience. Being able to witness a world-class athletes as they compete against the very best, and themselves, is a compelling show.
I have to admit I watched each event with Michael Phelps as he went for the never achieved before goal of eight gold medals. And tomorrow at midnight Miami time, I can't wait to see the Argentina futball game. But I'll tell you this...
The Olympics are addicting. And most of the world is spending six or eight hours a day, transfixed with them. But most of the world is broke.
Can I suggest that you can ill afford to spend 18 days glued to the set, watching every arcane event the games offer? And that if you do, your Agel business will have an income hangover for at least the next six months?
If you go missing in action for a couple weeks, your group will likely do the same. And you'll quickly trade watching those Olympic dreams for some serious money screams.
Let me suggest you think about your own dreams. The ones that don't involve the discus, parallel bars, or pool. The ones about a new car, a bigger house, exotic vacations, taking care of your family, firing your boss, and being able to contribute to the causes that matter to you. Not having to go to a job, fight traffic, or face office politics.
Please. If there is a special sport or event you want to see, check the schedule and book that time. But don't forget about your own dreams. Now more than ever, it's vital that you find the ten or 15 hours a week for your Agel business.
Agel World is only days away. And that weekend will be a seminal moment in the history of not just our company, but the entire network marketing profession. And it can be a seminal moment in your career, and the path to living your own dreams as well. Some things you can be doing right now:
Get on the phone and get every possible person on your team registered. Every extra person you get there will help multiply your organization exponentially over the next year.
Bring an extra suitcase. There will be a new product introduced and it has a HUGE market potential. It will likely sell out at the event, and could be a couple weeks before it's available to order again. Bring back some extra for your casual people that don't yet understand the significance of Agel World. This is especially important for you guys coming from overseas, as it won't likely be registered in all the countries.
Take the next ten days and distribute every single piece of marketing materials you own. Every one. Here's what I can tell you:
At Agel World, the "Choosing Success" mag pak is being replaced with a hot, fresh, and totally new concept. It will still have the Diamond profiles, details on why the Quadra-Plan is the most lucrative moneymaking option available today, and an explanation on what an amazing scientific breakthrough suspension gel technology is.
But it also has a whole new look, new title, and a complete makeover. I have seen the mock-ups on this and can safely tell you it is hands down the most powerful recruiting tool that has EVER been done in our industry. It has a cleaner, edgier look, it's now packed with 84 pages of content, and it's going to have prospects begging you to know more!
I'll tell you what else...
It even has a new video presentation on the dual disc inside! It's not the "phenomenon," but instead a killer nine-minute teaser that will dramatically increase the number of your prospects that will
want to turn up for a PBR.
This new video is hot! You'll see why Roper and Ebert gave it "two thumbs up - the feel good movie of the summer!" Even better, it will be offered for sale separate, in a self-mailer for you guys that want to do major campaigns.
Oh, and did I mention that we locked Double Diamond Eric Worre in a room, and completely redid the Agel Phenomenon DVD? This new, totally revised edition is specifically designed exclusively for PBRs! It is a complete presentation, going through all eight ways to earn, the new Lambo bonus, has the new product info, testimonials from some of our newer Agel superstars, and powerful new graphics. We believe this will seriously increase the conversion ratio at your PBR's, turning more candidates into team members quicker.
I also know that Triple Diamond Director Randy Schroeder has been working on some hot new ideas, and will have some surprises in store for you as well. So you may actually want to bring along TWO empty suitcases; one for the new product, and one for the killer new recruiting tools.
In any event, between now and Agel World I suggest you give out every copy you have of the Phenomenon, Choosing Success, and "Change is Good." Get them circulating now, making you some money, and be ready for the new tools that can dramatically increase your recruiting efforts.
Special Leadership Session...
Also, make sure your team knows that there will be a special Leadership wrap up session on Sunday morning at Agel World, from 9 am to noon. This will be conducted by Randy, Eric, and myself, and is just $20. There is no pre-registration; just pay at the door.
So plan your travel schedule appropriately.
Of course Agel World will include more Diamond Panels, breakout business building sessions, training from the Scientific Advisory Board, and sessions from the corporate team. This is your chance to hear from many of the new Diamonds, as they share how they reached this prestigious goal. And of course we'll honor the new rank advancements and have fun at the 2nd Annual Agel Talent Show.
There is still time to make August a great month for you. Turn off the TV, circulate your leftover tools, schedule a PBR, and make Agel World a revenue producing event. Do all this and you'll not just have a great month. You'll have a great year.
To Your Success,
I have to admit I watched each event with Michael Phelps as he went for the never achieved before goal of eight gold medals. And tomorrow at midnight Miami time, I can't wait to see the Argentina futball game. But I'll tell you this...
The Olympics are addicting. And most of the world is spending six or eight hours a day, transfixed with them. But most of the world is broke.
Can I suggest that you can ill afford to spend 18 days glued to the set, watching every arcane event the games offer? And that if you do, your Agel business will have an income hangover for at least the next six months?
If you go missing in action for a couple weeks, your group will likely do the same. And you'll quickly trade watching those Olympic dreams for some serious money screams.
Let me suggest you think about your own dreams. The ones that don't involve the discus, parallel bars, or pool. The ones about a new car, a bigger house, exotic vacations, taking care of your family, firing your boss, and being able to contribute to the causes that matter to you. Not having to go to a job, fight traffic, or face office politics.
Please. If there is a special sport or event you want to see, check the schedule and book that time. But don't forget about your own dreams. Now more than ever, it's vital that you find the ten or 15 hours a week for your Agel business.
Agel World is only days away. And that weekend will be a seminal moment in the history of not just our company, but the entire network marketing profession. And it can be a seminal moment in your career, and the path to living your own dreams as well. Some things you can be doing right now:
Get on the phone and get every possible person on your team registered. Every extra person you get there will help multiply your organization exponentially over the next year.
Bring an extra suitcase. There will be a new product introduced and it has a HUGE market potential. It will likely sell out at the event, and could be a couple weeks before it's available to order again. Bring back some extra for your casual people that don't yet understand the significance of Agel World. This is especially important for you guys coming from overseas, as it won't likely be registered in all the countries.
Take the next ten days and distribute every single piece of marketing materials you own. Every one. Here's what I can tell you:
At Agel World, the "Choosing Success" mag pak is being replaced with a hot, fresh, and totally new concept. It will still have the Diamond profiles, details on why the Quadra-Plan is the most lucrative moneymaking option available today, and an explanation on what an amazing scientific breakthrough suspension gel technology is.
But it also has a whole new look, new title, and a complete makeover. I have seen the mock-ups on this and can safely tell you it is hands down the most powerful recruiting tool that has EVER been done in our industry. It has a cleaner, edgier look, it's now packed with 84 pages of content, and it's going to have prospects begging you to know more!
I'll tell you what else...
It even has a new video presentation on the dual disc inside! It's not the "phenomenon," but instead a killer nine-minute teaser that will dramatically increase the number of your prospects that will
want to turn up for a PBR.
This new video is hot! You'll see why Roper and Ebert gave it "two thumbs up - the feel good movie of the summer!" Even better, it will be offered for sale separate, in a self-mailer for you guys that want to do major campaigns.
Oh, and did I mention that we locked Double Diamond Eric Worre in a room, and completely redid the Agel Phenomenon DVD? This new, totally revised edition is specifically designed exclusively for PBRs! It is a complete presentation, going through all eight ways to earn, the new Lambo bonus, has the new product info, testimonials from some of our newer Agel superstars, and powerful new graphics. We believe this will seriously increase the conversion ratio at your PBR's, turning more candidates into team members quicker.
I also know that Triple Diamond Director Randy Schroeder has been working on some hot new ideas, and will have some surprises in store for you as well. So you may actually want to bring along TWO empty suitcases; one for the new product, and one for the killer new recruiting tools.
In any event, between now and Agel World I suggest you give out every copy you have of the Phenomenon, Choosing Success, and "Change is Good." Get them circulating now, making you some money, and be ready for the new tools that can dramatically increase your recruiting efforts.
Special Leadership Session...
Also, make sure your team knows that there will be a special Leadership wrap up session on Sunday morning at Agel World, from 9 am to noon. This will be conducted by Randy, Eric, and myself, and is just $20. There is no pre-registration; just pay at the door.
So plan your travel schedule appropriately.
Of course Agel World will include more Diamond Panels, breakout business building sessions, training from the Scientific Advisory Board, and sessions from the corporate team. This is your chance to hear from many of the new Diamonds, as they share how they reached this prestigious goal. And of course we'll honor the new rank advancements and have fun at the 2nd Annual Agel Talent Show.
There is still time to make August a great month for you. Turn off the TV, circulate your leftover tools, schedule a PBR, and make Agel World a revenue producing event. Do all this and you'll not just have a great month. You'll have a great year.
To Your Success,