Key study points for your implementation from Randy Gage’s call last week: "Culture Building Strategies of the Multi-Million-Dollar Producers.”
A) What is Culture?
In Network Marketing it is the attitudes, business practices, and methods of operation we foster that duplicate throughout our organization.
B) Grinders vs. Rock Stars
Grinder = someone that must make all the presentations, conduct the training and pretty much do everything in the group. If they stop grinding, growth grinds to a stop.
Rock Stars = Anyone earning at least 25K a month and living their dream life.
C) The 10 Critical Areas for Culture Building
1) Product Passion
If you're doing this right, even people that lose faith in their ability to do the business will keep their faith - and daily use - in the products. Great examples of this are Shaklee, USANA and Mannatech.
2) Professionalism
This involves dress, honoring copyrights, the way you run your events, etc. Think about the brand you're creating in the minds of your team and prospects. Also respect of the profession as a whole and other companies.
3) Character
Integrity (the two promises you make all new recruits), accountability, and always doing the right thing. Alcohol and smoking issues for wellness companies.
4) Duplication
Is this a buzzword, or does your team really live by this principle? Is the system sacred, and what is the process for any changes so they are done through the whole group at the same time?
5) Rank Advancement
This starts with the first rank in your pay plan. Is the track for getting there built into your "fast start" or "getting started" training? Do you then have building blocks to the other important ranks?
Mary Kay and AL Williams did this great. Traditional Network
Marketing companies can learn a lot from the reward and recognition practices of the direct selling companies.
6) Work Ethic
I recommend structuring around a 10-15 hours-a-week base. Have a daily, weekly and monthly method of operation. Examples:
Daily: X number of contacts a day
Weekly: Leadership training session, home meetings
Monthly: Opportunity meetings, close out call, training events
7) Event Culture
Remember there are two needs being met for major events. The primary one is the opportunity to get newer people "over the line." This belief building function may be the most important thing we do in the business. The second function of the events is for experienced leaders that are already over the line - to use them to get their people through the process. This is a never-ending cycle.
Don't buy people's stories. Insist they invest in attending major events.
8) Leadership
Definition of Leadership:
Leading people to willingly do things they wouldn't normally want to do on their own.
Examples in our business: someone buying their first suit, speaking in front of a group for the first time, etc.
Foster culture of initiative: errors of commission not omission. Make people partners in team activities, not followers.
9) Communication
Culture needs communication to properly filter through the organization. Use it to make sure everyone in the group is "touched."
10) Fun
Take the model of "a cool place to work" and apply it in your network. Celebrate successes and include social elements in your system and events.