Tuesday, April 19, 2011

“When you face a problem, solve it then and there if you have the facts necessary to make a decision. Don't keep putting off decisions.”

- Dale Carnegie
Often by ignoring problems, we allow them to grow. Resolution should be quick so that problems do not become overwhelming. While the problem is still relatively small, attempt to decipher exactly what would be needed to have it resolved for good. Ascertaining this information before you begin is actually the first step to ensuring that the problem is rendered powerless. Acting quickly will also guarantee that the problem hasn't gotten completely out of hand. Here are a few tips on effective problem solving:

-Get all the facts

-Weigh all the facts - then come to a decision

-Once a decision is reached - ACT!!

-Answer the following questions:
What is the problem?
What are the causes of the problem?
What are the possible solutions?
What is the best possible solution?

 The Dale Carnegie Course

Friday, April 15, 2011

Unlock Your Inborn Creativity

Imagination is more important than facts. —Albert Einstein
Here is some more good news. You are a potential genius. You are smarter than you have ever imagined. You have more raw brainpower and creative ability than you have ever used up to now.
Your brain has 10 billion cells, each of which is connected to as many as 20,000 other cells by a complex network of neurons and dendrites. This means that the possible combinations and permutations of cells in your brain are greater than the number of molecules in the known universe. Your ability to develop ideas to help you succeed is unlimited. This means that your ability to succeed is unlimited as well.
Your creativity is stimulated by three factors: first, intensely desired goals; second, pressing problems; and third, focused questions. The more you focus your mind on achieving your goals, solving your problems, or answering the tough questions about your business and personal life, the smarter you become and the better your mind works for you in the future.
Your brain, your creativity, is like a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger and more resilient it becomes. You can actually increase your intelligence and your IQ by disciplining yourself tothink creatively all day long. And remember, creativity is just another word for "improvement." Every time you come up with an idea to improve some part of your work, to find newer, better, faster, cheaper, or easier ways to accomplish a result, you are functioning at the highest level of creativity.
Just as you develop your muscles by straining them with physical training, you develop your mental muscles by straining them as well. Here is an exercise for you to develop your brainpower and unlock your inner genius...
Take a clean sheet of paper and write your most important goal or most pressing problem at the top in the form of a question. For example, you could write "How can I double my income over the next 24 to 36 months?"
Now, discipline yourself to write at least 20 different answers to your question. Select one of your answers and take action on it immediately. You will be amazed at the results.
Action Exercise: Write down your most pressing problem or your most intensely desired goal. Then, imagine that this problem was solved perfectly or this goal was achieved in an ideal way. What would the solution or achievement look like? What could you do immediately to bring about this result? Remember, action is everything!
Continued success,
Brian Tracy

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

April 2011 Leadership Book (CD) of the Month.

The Network Marketing Advantage: The 7 Benefits of Today's Economy-Shifting Business Model [Audio CD] by Stephen R. Covey

On this CD, best-selling author and thought leader Dr. Stephen R. Covey identifies two compelling reasons why network marketing is an inspiring business model in today’s modern economy. In addition, Dr. Covey explains the key benefits of network marketing and how they tie directly into the core principles of The 7 Habits®. The Network Marketing Advantage is your key to unlocking financial success with today’s economy-shifting business model.