Monday, June 29, 2015

If success is a hot-air balloon, then what are the sandbags hanging off the basket, weighting us down and keeping us from rising to the height where we’re designed to fly? 

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

What is Positive Self- Expectancy?

Positive Self- Expectancy:

Synonyms: Optimism, enthusiasm, hope

Antonyms: Pessimism, cynicism, despair

The most readily identifiable quality of a successful leader is an overall attitude of personal optimism, hope and enthusiasm.

Proverb: “That which you fear or expect most will likely come to pass. The body manifests what the mind harbors.”

By expecting the best, as a way of life, you are preparing yourself physically as well as mentally for the demands of success.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Free Trade Means More Jobs

A critical rap against the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership is that it will destroy jobs, which is the argument labor unions always use to oppose free-trade agreements like this one. Nonsense. What destroys jobs is innovation and productivity. When allowed to do so, people always look to find new and better ways of doing things–or to come up with new things altogether. Who had heard of an iPad or the process we call streaming just a few years ago? In the constant turbulence of free markets some jobs are eliminated, but the overall number and quality of jobs improve.

People today wax nostalgic over manufacturing, just as they did over farming before that. In reality, both, until recent decades, involved backbreaking manual labor. Remember the criticism that factory work was soulless and repetitive? Factory assembly lines are largely a thing of the past in this country.

It’s human nature to look for and lash out at targets when our lives are disrupted by economic change. But when barriers to progress aren’t put in the way, most people quickly land on their feet.

The problem today is our own government, which has hobbled us with a horrific tax code, a destructive monetary policy and a tsunami of opaque rules regarding health care and everything else and prevents us from focusing our energies on productive activities that would benefit us all.

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