Friday, September 25, 2020

International Day of Sign Languages.

Our daughter Sarah Hasson recorded this short video for our company this week to help celebrate "International Day of Sign Languages." I appreciate her love for, and her ability to communicate with, those who are not able to hear.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Like. Know. Trust.

People prefer to purchase products and do business with those they: Like, Know, and Trust.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Ammon Hasson's Testimony of Jesus Christ and Church Sermon - August 2020

Our youngest son Ammon did an amazing job preparing and giving his talk in church Sunday prior to leaving to serve his full-time mission. I hope you will all take a few minutes to hear his message of love, and you will also hear his strong testimony of Jesus Christ.

Ammon has spent 15 weeks of intensive language training to learn Ukrainian and the gospel lessons he will be teaching about Jesus Christ for 2 years. Already he has had opportunities to teach Ukrainian families here in Utah, and online in the Ukraine and other parts of the world. He is so excited to be departing for Kiev, Ukraine soon and we know he'll be an amazing missionary and representative of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Here is his email address if you would like to drop him a message when time permits: