Wednesday, December 28, 2022
It's true that success is the combination of belief and time. The more belief you have, the less time it takes.
It's true that success is the combination of belief and time. The more belief you have, the less time it takes.
Missionary Reassignments Due to Pandemic and War with Ammon Hasson.
Sunday, December 11, 2022
Study On Kindness.
When you are kind, your brain’s reward center lights up as if you were the recipient rather than the giver!
Read these facts from a study on kindness to learn more.
Kindness Increases…
“About half of participants in one study reported that they feel stronger and more energetic after helping others; many also reported feeling calmer and less depressed, with increased feelings of self-worth” (Christine Carter, UC Berkeley, Greater Good Science Center).
A 2010 Harvard Business School survey of happiness in 136 countries found that people who are altruistic—in this case, people who were generous financially, such as with charitable donations—were happiest overall.
Like most medical antidepressants, kindness stimulates the production of serotonin. This feel-good chemical heals your wounds, calms you down, and makes you happy!
Kindness Decreases…
Engaging in acts of kindness produces endorphins, the brain’s natural painkiller!
Perpetually kind people have 23% less cortisol (the stress hormone) and age slower than the average population!
A group of highly anxious individuals performed at least six acts of kindness a week. After one month, there was a significant increase in positive moods and relationship satisfaction and a decrease in social avoidance in socially anxious individuals (University of British Columbia study).
("Kindness Health Facts,"
Saturday, November 26, 2022
Panama 2022 - Recap of Amare Global Leadership Retreat
One of the biggest head fakes in the history of modern economics.
Inflation came along this year in a way that most of us have never seen, and it ate the value of the multiple phases of stimulus about as fast you people accepted their free money! In reality, all that “free money” turned out to be very expensive. The dollar of January 2020 is now worth only $0.87, which is to say that the stimulus spending covered by the Federal Reserve printing money stole $0.13 of every American dollar in the course of only 2.5 years.
This was one of the biggest head fakes in the history of modern economics.
I read this article last night and love sharing things like this that cause me to think, that I feel are hard to dispute, but few of the media outlets discuss because it doesn't fit their fear-mongering and assumptive narratives.
Friday, November 11, 2022
Veterans Day 2022
On this Veterans Day we fly our American flag in front of our home,
and every day we are grateful for all you vets out there!
Tuesday, November 8, 2022
Fun Feels Good
Tuesday, November 1, 2022
Thursday, October 6, 2022
90% of US adults say the United States is experiencing a mental health crisis.
Our mental health has been under attack for years and continues today. I'm grateful for the words of Amare Global's CEO today on this subject:
"These headlines make all of us very sad. So sad. Everyone reading this is either experiencing this, has experienced this, or has a loved one who is…
It’s touching all of our lives.
The beautiful challenge here is that WE CAN do something about it. Not only as individuals, but as an Amare Global community. We MUST mobilize to create a sense of belonging & love wherever we go. Reaching out and checking in with people you love. (Who are you thinking needs a phone call from you right now? Run with that first name that popped into your head. It popped in for a reason.)
On top of those we love, let’s be kind to strangers, the homeless, and underdogs of all kinds.
The word “Amare” is an action verb in Latin meaning “To Love” — To Love! Action requiring movement, mobilization, and direct application. “Loving one another” has never been a more important mantra than now, today, this week, and this year.
As a company, we will continue to drive the message of “operationalizing” love in business, and our daily lives. We believe it is a worthy goal for us to endeavor to achieve."
Monday, September 26, 2022
Sunday, September 25, 2022
...I no longer have any doubt.
Although there are many things about this life that I do not understand, there are some truths about which I no longer have any doubt.
Saturday, September 24, 2022
Monday, September 19, 2022
Thursday, September 15, 2022
Monday, September 12, 2022
Friday, September 9, 2022
Get Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable.
10 things that can help one get comfortable being uncomfortable. (Hint: Uncomfortable doesn't have to be permanent.)
Wednesday, September 7, 2022
Tuesday, September 6, 2022
Thursday, September 1, 2022
Visit to the Tran's home in Newport Beach, CA
Thanks for inviting us to your home Hiep & Pauline Tran and for having the vision to start Amare Global - "The Mental Wellness Company" four years ago. Looking forward to our global expansion in the coming months and years!
Wednesday, August 24, 2022
The President's Daily Brief Podcast
To avoid just consuming propaganda that's feed to us daily, I listen and read to a lot from all sides to stay informed and this is the one daily podcast I don't miss.
Thursday, August 4, 2022
What Is Integrity?
As I was reading the Good Book today I realized that Job's integrity was another source of spiritual strength during his inflictions. What is integrity? I believe it is doing what is right regardless of the immediate consequences. How we act and think in our private lives and in public, makes all the difference.
Wednesday, August 3, 2022
Friday, July 22, 2022
He's Home!!
Our son Ammon Hasson returned yesterday from serving his two year mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in three different missions. He was called to serve in the Ukraine mission, but due to the pandemic, he was reassigned to serve in Washington D.C. - sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ as a full-time volunteer missionary.
Once international travel resumed, Ammon was able to go to Ukraine and loved it there!
We all know what happened in February, so he was reassigned once again to serve in Berlin, Germany and finished his mission there this week.
It is a great blessing to have him home and to hear how his love for our Savior has grown as well as the love he developed for those he interacted with during his two-year mission.
Now it's time to enjoy lots of family and friends welcoming him home this weekend. And he is definitely ready for the next chapter and we are confident it will be packed with just as much excitement as the past two years!