Friday, January 28, 2022


 “No other success can compensate for failure in the home. The poorest shack in which love prevails over a united family is of greater value to God and future humanity that any other riches. In such a home God can work miracles and will work miracles.”

— David O. McKay

Monday, January 24, 2022

What small actions can you do each day to care for your mental well-being? Here are three!

What small actions can you do each day to care for your mental well-being?

Most people are familiar with the idea that physical exercise and a balanced diet play a significant role in maintaining physical health. A similar idea applies to maintaining mental health—making simple, healthy decisions each day can contribute to long-term mental well-being.
It should be mentioned that mental illnesses—including post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety disorders, and many more—often require professional help. The ideas in this post are simply ideas for maintaining good mental health as part of your overall well-being.

Wednesday, January 19, 2022


 Entrepreneurship is a disciplined process,
and it is more about solving problems than it is about making money.
That is a mind shift for most people.

Tuesday, January 18, 2022


 “We need to make our homes a place of refuge from the storm, which is increasing in intensity all around us. Even if the smallest openings are left unattended, negative influences can penetrate the very walls of our homes.” -L. Tom Perry