Our mental health has been under attack for years and continues today. I'm grateful for the words of Amare Global's CEO today on this subject:
"These headlines make all of us very sad. So sad. Everyone reading this is either experiencing this, has experienced this, or has a loved one who is…
It’s touching all of our lives.
The beautiful challenge here is that WE CAN do something about it. Not only as individuals, but as an Amare Global community. We MUST mobilize to create a sense of belonging & love wherever we go. Reaching out and checking in with people you love. (Who are you thinking needs a phone call from you right now? Run with that first name that popped into your head. It popped in for a reason.)
On top of those we love, let’s be kind to strangers, the homeless, and underdogs of all kinds.
The word “Amare” is an action verb in Latin meaning “To Love” — To Love! Action requiring movement, mobilization, and direct application. “Loving one another” has never been a more important mantra than now, today, this week, and this year.
As a company, we will continue to drive the message of “operationalizing” love in business, and our daily lives. We believe it is a worthy goal for us to endeavor to achieve."