Tuesday, February 14, 2023

8 Traits of Healthy Relationships.

Nothing can bring more joy to life than beautifully fulfilling relationships. The depth of meaning, understanding and appreciation that these kinds of relationships bring is almost unfathomable. And, of course, as many people find out, nothing can bring so much pain as a broken relationship with someone dear to you.

Here are "8 Traits of Healthy Relationships" by one of my mentors, Jim Rohn.


Wednesday, February 8, 2023



Fasting means to go without. Therefore, fasting doesn't only apply to food, but to anything in your life that you may be using or consuming unnecessarily. It's also not about giving things up completely, but rather gaining control over the things in your life that seem to control you (like cravings or addictions).

Most importantly, it's not about suffering. In fact, fasting is the key to freedom. Once you gain control over the things that once controlled you, going without becomes an empowering and joyful experience.

You can fast from common addictions like alcohol, tobacco, or any other lifestyle patterns you want to change. Doing a dopamine fast by avoiding social media can give your mind a break from processing junk culture and devote more resources to creativity and original thinking. Less distractions = more power.

Remember to take time to be still. Get out and spend time in nature, we need that sunshine and vitamin D. Why not do a social media fast at the same time? Bring your phone for an emergency, but turn it off. It's great time to reflect on what we want more in our lives and what you want less of in our lives.