Monday, January 6, 2025

Make 2025 the best year of your life!

You have the power to make 2025 the best year of your life. You have the power to take the leap, pursue your dreams, and create the change you’ve always wanted. This is the year you take back control. Stop worrying about what others think, say, or do, and start focusing on what you can control. Because here’s the truth: only you decide how to spend your time and energy. And when you direct them toward the right things, everything changes.

Monday, November 25, 2024

Grace & Mercy.

Grace and Mercy are related in the fact that we don't deserve or earn Grace or Mercy. Grace means to receive a blessing you DON'T deserve, and Mercy means avoiding a punishment you DO deserve. So they are actually on different sides of the same doctrinal coin.

Friday, November 8, 2024

Thank you!

Our TM3 United executive team would like to thank all of our customers and leadership nationwide for this heartfelt gift, with so many personal and touching hand-written messages from all of you. And a special thank you to Amy & Shawn Summers! It now hangs proudly in our front lobby for all visitors to see. Thank you!

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Exceptional Value.

Focus on what provides value to others, not what impresses others. Other people spend about as much time thinking about your lifestyle and accomplishments as you spend thinking about their lifestyle and accomplishments. Which is to say, not much time at all. The things we do to impress others rarely impress them for longer than five minutes. But the things we do to provide value for others can last a lifetime. In the long run, one of the most impressive things you can do is provide exceptional value.