Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Starting Your New People Right.

For years now I’ve been saying the same thing: You make or break your new team members in the first two weeks. And the first 48 hours is critical.

There are two big issues that come into play here…

Number one is overcoming inertia. Objects at rest tend to stay at rest. Objects in motion tend to stay in motion. It’s vital to get your new people into action immediately: making their candidate list, their first invitations and getting prospects to presentations.

Number two is overcoming fear. When a new team member isn’t moving, their imagination runs wild. And because most people are infected with so many lack and limiting beliefs, they start to make up images of all the bad things that might happen to them.

They’ll start imagining the rejections they’re going to experience and if this happens over a couple weeks, the perception turns to reality in their mind. They may attend some events, but they never invite anyone and will eventually drop out.

When you design your system, you must have some kind of structured “fast start” training. Think of it as a new member orientation. This should guide the new people through things like ordering their marketing materials, setting up their business, making their list, inviting, and scheduling their first presentations. Don’t leave this to interpretation. Have it written down, in a video, an audio, or all three. -Randy Gage

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