Sunday, November 16, 2014

Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.

Each year God himself has set aside for our special observance 52 days each, not as holidays but as holy days. The relative importance of this great day that would call the Sabbath might be indicated to us by the frequency of its recurrence. That is, we have one day to certain national leaders, one day for nation's birthday, one day for other historical events.  And then our Father in Heaven in His great wisdom set aside one-seventh of all the days to honor God. This day is also set aside particularly for our benefit, for when we honor God we tend to become more like Him.

The importance of this day was also emphasized to the world 34 centuries ago went out of the fires of Sinai God said, "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy." (Known as one of the Ten Commandments, not Ten Suggestions!) We sometimes desecrate the Sabbath by putting our minds in contact with the things that lead us away from God and eternal life. We make this special day a holiday instead of a holy day.

What a thrilling idea that one day of each week is especially set apart for us to put our minds in contact, and our lives in harmony with him in whose image we were created.

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