Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Do You Have A Monthly Residual Income of $5,000 to $20,000? If Not, Here's One Way Many People Do.

$5,000 a month in residual income is equivalent to $1,000,000 in the bank at 6% interest, or $2,000,000 in the bank at 3%. (Good luck finding 6% or greater interest or return these days.)

Want to earn $10,000 or $20,000 per month? Double the above figures accordingly.
Many network marketers expect to earn these types of monthly incomes or much more in exchange for as little work as possible. Let’s get real people! Those who begin with the mindset of seeing how much they can earn for the least amount of time, effort, skill sets and investment, rarely succeed in our business.

Network Marketing is not a get-rich-quick scheme, although it can be get-rich. Money schemes have been around long before network marketing. Financial success in network marketing with a residual income can take years to develop and varies from person to person based on skill levels and much more.

There is a lot to learn and for most people it won’t be easy. There is a lot of frustration and disappointment. Success will require resiliency and persistence. But if your goal is to build a revenue generating asset (business) valued at 1 to 2 million dollars – it’s worth it!

You don’t get paid by the hour, you get paid by the results. Results come from consistent and enthusiastic activities.

Network marketing is not an investment vehicle, it is a business… your business. And it is worth investing in. There will be travel and training opportunities, tools and educational programs that will reward you with confidence and success if you are willing to invest in yourself. If this seems realistic and worth it to you, then network marketing just might be what you've been waiting for all these years!

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