Saturday, May 6, 2017

Hegemons are powerful entities. USA, Russia or China?

I love doing business around the world, especially the largest country in the world. And I don't profess to be an international relations expert, but having spent the last two weeks in China and traveled there for business and family vacations 3-4 times each year over the past 20 years, I do know this: China is unlike any other country participating in the U.S. led global economy. It intends to benefit from the openness and security offered by the system without being obligated to abide by its norms. Hegemony is the economic, political, or military predominance or control of one state over others. A hegemonic country has the power to help countries cooperate with one another for the maintenance and, when needed, the restoration of prosperity. When no country can or will act as hegemon, a world crisis erupts. Trump’s suggested retreat, along with China & Russia’s ambitions, and the reasons why the two probably can’t fulfill them—it all suggests the unnerving possibility that this eruption is already underway.

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