Wednesday, December 30, 2020

The day we eliminate excuses from our lives...


Atomic Habits by James Clear

No matter your goals for 2021, I suggest you read Atomic Habits to help achieve more next year. James Clear, one of the world's leading experts on habit formation, reveals practical strategies that will teach you how to form good habits, break bad ones, and master the tiny behaviors that lead to remarkable results.

If you're having trouble changing your habits, the problem isn't you. The problem is your system. Bad habits repeat themselves again and again not because you don't want to change, but because you have the wrong system for change. You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Merry Christmas from the Hassons!

This Christmas season, may you and your loved ones be blessed with good health, peace and happiness.

Merry Christmas from the Hassons!

Friday, December 11, 2020

Help Your Team Manage Stress, Anxiety, and Burnout

It can be tough enough to manage your own stress. But how can you help the members of your team handle their feelings of stress, burnout, or disengagement?

Click To Learn More

Friday, December 4, 2020


Genshai is an ancient word that means:
“Never treat another person in a manner that would make them feel small – including yourself.”

Monday, November 23, 2020

Global Message of Thanksgiving - And a Prescription from a former Medical Doctor, now Global Faith Leader.

I am thankful to have friends throughout the world, many of whom English is not their native language. This 11-minute video will focus on ways we can find hope and healing through Jesus Christ during this time of significant global fracture and instability.

I am going to post video links in various languages, with the spiritual message I felt was inspired by God for each of us to hear at this time. I'm confident it will be time well spent today, possibly the most important I've heard in 2020. 

(You will need to copy and paste the link)


Saturday, November 21, 2020

The Healing Power of Gratitude

I am very thankful for global faith leaders like Russell M. Nelson and their messages of hope. This one today was very timely for me personally. I hope you too will take a few minutes out of your busy day to listen to his wise and inspired counsel. 

Monday, November 16, 2020

Listening now...

"The Innovator's Dilemma. When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail." by Clayton Christensen

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Part 3 of 3: Mastering Our Mental and Emotional Skills.

Discussion about some things learned from Dr. Craig Manning, PhD, Professor of Performance Psychology and Sports Psychology consultant.

Click here to watch 5 minute video

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Part 2 of 3: Mastering Our Mental and Emotional Skills.

Discussion about some things learned from Dr. Craig Manning, PhD, Professor of Performance Psychology and Sports Psychology consultant.

Watch Video Here

Calm skies don't make skillful eagles.

 I am not generally a fan of altered images, but I love this one. 

We saw some eagles in Alaska last summer and they are majestic birds.


Monday, October 19, 2020

Friday, September 25, 2020

International Day of Sign Languages.

Our daughter Sarah Hasson recorded this short video for our company this week to help celebrate "International Day of Sign Languages." I appreciate her love for, and her ability to communicate with, those who are not able to hear.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Like. Know. Trust.

People prefer to purchase products and do business with those they: Like, Know, and Trust.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Ammon Hasson's Testimony of Jesus Christ and Church Sermon - August 2020

Our youngest son Ammon did an amazing job preparing and giving his talk in church Sunday prior to leaving to serve his full-time mission. I hope you will all take a few minutes to hear his message of love, and you will also hear his strong testimony of Jesus Christ.

Ammon has spent 15 weeks of intensive language training to learn Ukrainian and the gospel lessons he will be teaching about Jesus Christ for 2 years. Already he has had opportunities to teach Ukrainian families here in Utah, and online in the Ukraine and other parts of the world. He is so excited to be departing for Kiev, Ukraine soon and we know he'll be an amazing missionary and representative of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Here is his email address if you would like to drop him a message when time permits:

Sunday, August 23, 2020

The Other Health Crisis.

Turns out relationships are not just good for us spiritually and emotionally; they are also good for us physically, according to experts at Brigham Young University. The big reveal: social disconnection has more of a health impact than problems like obesity, alcoholism, or pollution. Read behind the headlines of COVID-19 to learn how to combat another far-reaching health crisis: the shadow pandemic of loneliness.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Ammon's Mission

Ammon completed his first of 9 weeks of full-time missionary study (up at 6:30am, sleep at 10:30pm). Due to the pandemic, the Missionary Training Centers (MTC) around the world are temporarily closed, so newly assigned missionaries for the church are participating in online/in-home training. We thought a temporary sign would make it seem more like the real thing. *Notice the Ukrainian flag in his room window? His good luck charm for learning the language.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Doing nothing for others is the undoing of ourselves.

"No hacer nada por los demás es deshacernos a nosotros mismos".
"Không làm gì cho người khác là hoàn tác của chính chúng ta."
"다른 사람들을 위해 아무것도하지 않는 것은 우리 자신의 행동을 취소하는 것입니다."

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Freedom - Religious Freedom

As I reflect on the freedoms my family and I enjoy in the USA, no freedom is more important than religious freedom. As I rewatched this talk by Elder David A. Bednar, he re-enforced what I believe most Americans believe: 
Government power can never be unlimited.
Elder Bednar shared the parable of the prodigal son, emphasizing the way the prodigal son changed after what Elder Bednar called a “wake-up call.” He said, “Just as the famine for the prodigal son was a pivotal turning point in his life, so COVID-19 can help us realize what we have not realized before.”
He gave four reflections he has had on religious freedom, and I highly recommend you watch the video: CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE VIDEO (Elder Bednar's remarks begin at the 32:25 mark)
1. Government power can never be unlimited.
Elder Bednar said checks and balances such as the Constitution and the rule of law were created to help constrain government from absolute power. While liberty has limits, so does government authority.
“No doubt an emergency on the scale of COVID-19 justifies strong measures to protect the public, but we cannot lose sight of the fact that many of these measures are extraordinary assertions of government power that can dramatically constrain our basic freedoms,” he said. “The power of government must have limits.”
2. Religious freedom is paramount among our fundamental rights.
Elder Bednar said the freedom of religion is our first freedom, not only because of the order of the Bill of Rights, but because of the moral importance it represents. It protects the right to believe in and act on moral agency and provides a space to live according to those beliefs.
“Nothing government does is more important than fostering the conditions wherein religion can flourish,” he said.
3. Religious freedom is fragile.
During the COVID-19 crisis, the government shut down gathering for religious worship, while deeming other activities essential and allowing them to continue.
“In the name of protecting physical health and security or advancing other social values, government often acted without regard to the importance of protecting spiritual health and security,” Elder Bednar said. “It often seemed to forget that securing religious freedom is as vital as physical health."
4. In a time of crisis, sensitive tools are necessary to balance the demands of liberty with the just interests of society.
Elder Bednar said the key principle is that religion should not be treated less favorably than analogous secular activities. With creativity and determination, a solution can be found that keeps others safe and doesn’t infringe upon the right to religious freedom.
“We can no more disregard the valid claims of religious freedom in a time of crisis than we can disregard the valid claims of freedom of speech, freedom of the press, or freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures,” he said. “A health crisis should not become an excuse for a religious freedom crisis.”
In the story of the prodigal son, the son realized the error of his ways after his wake-up call. He remembered who he was and made an effort to realign his ways. Elder Bednar said in the time of COVID-19, we as a society may have also forgotten who we are and what is most precious.
“Perhaps we have not fully remembered that faith and the right to exercise it are central to our identity as believers and to all that we deem good and right and worthy of protection,” Elder Bednar concluded. “Now is the time for us to heed the wakeup call, to remember and to act.”

Saturday, May 30, 2020


In our lives,

It is impossible for us to

Cheat a little and still

Be honest.

-Henry D. Moyle

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

The Fallen Soldier

Others have made the ultimate sacrifice so that you could be free.

Remember them—today, and always. A moving tribute, written and narrated by former Navy SEAL and author Jocko Willink.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Four Life-Changing Words

Once upon a time, a powerful king charged his counselors to invent a proverb that would get him through all situations in life - one that was true and appropriate in all circumstances. He commanded, “Travel near and far. Consult the world's most learned. Spare no expense!”

Gone for nearly one year, they finally returned and handed the King a scroll.

The King unrolled the scroll and read only four words.


The wise men explained…
When you are on top of the world, it shall be but a fleeting moment, things will change. When you are in despair, all nights are followed by day.

No matter what your circumstances may be, remember, THIS TOO SHALL PASS.

Life is about accepting the things you cannot change, having the courage to change the things you can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Private Choices Are Not Private.

"Private choices are not private; they all have public consequences. Our society is the sum total of what millions of individuals do in their private lives. That sum total of private behavior has worldwide public consequences of enormous magnitude. There are no completely private choices."

- James E. Faust, May 1987

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

3 Things We Take With Us.

Here's one of the books I mentioned: "How To Be Totally Miserable." And here are some of the chapter titles, and I suggest you do the opposite. 
1. Don't do anything 
2. Worry about things you can't control 
3. Think about yourself 
4. Blame everything and everyone 
5. Don't take action 
6. Put Yourself down 
7. Don't Set Goals 
8. Hold on to grudges 
9. Judge other people's motives 
10. Don't learn anything new. 
11. Postpone prayer 
12. Don't smile 
13. Don't laugh 
14. Sleep too much 
15. Be easily offended

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Even though He lived a perfect life, Jesus Christ paid the price for all our sins. It was a sacrifice only He could make, and did so willingly--for you, for me, for all of us.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Good Friday, April 10th. Worldwide Fast.

We invite all worldwide faiths to fast and pray on Good Friday, April 10, that the present pandemic may be controlled, caregivers protected, the global economy strengthened and life normalized.