Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Life Engineering.

The word “engagement” describes the energy you have for the things you do and the journeys you’re on. Over time, that energy will ebb and flow. Sometimes you’ll feel highly engaged, and other times, you’ll feel disengaged. Disengagement can be small, like lacking motivation to do something specific. It can also happen at a larger level, like becoming disengaged from a long-term goal or objective. It can even happen on a macro level, like becoming disengaged from work, in a relationship, or with life itself. Prolonged disengagement can be catastrophic to the outcomes and objectives of your life that really matter.
Your ability to sustain energy in the things that matter most is critical to long-term success. We sometimes call it grit, perseverance, tenacity or “stick-to-it-iveness”! But because disengagement happens slowly, by degrees and over time, you tend to not notice it until it’s too late or until a lot of damage has been done. With LifeEngineering.com you can now regularly measure your level of engagement in the aspects of your life that matter most! You can know how engaged you are, what’s driving your engagement, what’s creating disengagement, and most importantly, what you can do about it!

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