Thursday, March 31, 2022

Amare - March Madness

This month has been one of the most memorable in my career. I had the chance to spend time with most of Amare Global's corporate team at various meetings here in the U.S. and Mexico.
I feel this is one of the most experienced teams I've seen assembled this early in a company's growth.

Challenges will always arise in any business environment, but when you have a team that can overcome those challenges, success is inevitable.


Looking forward to this conference as always!


Tuesday, March 29, 2022

"What Is The Great Reset?"

Not an easy read, but I highly recommend taking the time if you really want to understand what's going on, instead of walking around shaking our heads wondering what's going on.
Some excerpts: "The Great Reset promises inclusion in a shared destiny. But the subordination of so-called “netizens” implies economic and political disenfranchisement, a hyper-vigilance over self and others, and social isolation—or what Hannah Arendt called “organized loneliness”—on a global scale. This organized loneliness is already manifest in lockdowns, masking, social distancing, and the social exclusion of the unvaccinated. The title of the Ad Council’s March 2020 public service announcement—“Alone Together”—perfectly captures this sense of organized loneliness."
"Just as Schwab and the WEF predicted, the COVID crisis has accelerated the Great Reset. Monopolistic corporations have consolidated their grip on the economy from above, while socialism continues to advance for the rest of us below. In partnership with Big Digital, Big Pharma, the mainstream media, national and international health agencies, and compliant populations, hitherto democratic Western states—think especially of Australia, New Zealand, and Austria—are being transformed into totalitarian regimes modeled after China.
But let me end on a note of hope. Because the goals of the Great Reset depend on the obliteration not only of free markets, but of individual liberty and free will, it is, perhaps ironically, unsustainable. Like earlier attempts at totalitarianism, the Great Reset is doomed to ultimate failure. That doesn’t mean, however, that it won’t, again like those earlier attempts, leave a lot of destruction in its wake­—which is all the more reason to oppose it now and with all our might."