Friday, July 28, 2023

5 Choices In Our Life - Nick Saban

Nick Saban is the head football coach at the University of Alabama. With seven (7) National Championships, Coach Saban is arguably the greatest and most dominant college football coach in history. 
A few years ago, Coach Saban delivered a 50-second speech in a press conference that has since become famous. He talked about the 5 choices we have in our life.
Here’s what Coach Saban said . . . 
“We have 5 choices in our life. We can be bad at what we do. We can be average at what we do. We can be good at what we do, which is probably God’s expectation for whatever ability he gave us. Or we can be excellent. Or we can be elite. And everybody has a choice as to what they want to do and how they want to do that. But if you’re going to be excellent or elite, you got to do special things. You have to have special intensity. You have to have special focus. You have to have a special commitment and drive and passion to do things at a high level. You have to have a high standard all the time. It doesn’t matter what God-given ability that you have – that probably can make you good – but without the rest of it, I’m not sure you ever get excellent or elite.”
Something else that Coach Saban constantly preaches to his players, over and over again, is that they do not focus on their desired outcome. Rather, he tells them to focus entirely on doing their job and focus entirely on the process.
Coach Saban tells his players that if they do their job and focus entirely on doing their absolute best on the process, the desired outcome will take care of itself.

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